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Freedom of Information disclosure log

The information described in our disclosure log has been released by us under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) and is available for public access.

We publish information in this disclosure log within 10 working days of the freedom of information (FOI) applicant being given access to a document.

This disclosure log is not exhaustive. For example, it does not include the following:

  • documents of a personal or commercially valuable nature released under FOI where publishing that information would be unreasonable
  • documents where access has been refused or which are exempt from release under FOI
  • documents released outside the FOI framework.

Disclosure log

Reference number

FOI Release Date





31 January 2025

Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFA)

EFA’s internal Board paper style guide, writing style guidelines, and brand guidelines.

Available on request by emailing:


11 November 2024

1. Documents containing information about the number, classification levels, type of employment (e.g. full time, part time, fractional, casual) functions and position descriptions of Indigenous Liaison Officers or equivalent (e.g. First Nations Liaison Officer or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer), if any, in your agency from 1 January 2014 until the present.

2. Documents containing information about the number of staff currently employed in your agency who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

EFA’s Annual Report 2023-2024

A copy of EFA’s annual report can be found on our website.


30 August 2024

Emails from King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) to any members of Export Finance Australia during the period 1 July 2023 to 15 August 2023.

Legal alert emails from KWM to various EFA employees. Ad hoc non-transactional email communications.

Available on request by emailing:


19 August 2024

Any correspondence received by Export Finance Australia from the Office of Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Office of Industry Minister Ed Husic, or the Department of Treasury pertaining to the Future Made in Australia (FMIA) agenda from 1 March 2024 to 18 July 2024.

Interagency consultation emails regarding response to The Australian’s questions about FMIA. Correspondence regarding Investor Roundtable – Defence Working Group meetings.

Available on request by emailing:

01/2024 26 February 2024

For the time period 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023:
•Any emails or other communications directed at all staff about either the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme (‘the Royal Commission’), or the government response to the Royal Commission,
•Any emails or other communications directed at all SES (or equivalent) staff re same, 
•Any brief prepared for Senate estimates in October 2023 relating to how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or the government response to it,
•Any brief, agenda paper, submission (or similar) to the agency’s executive about how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or implementing the government response to it, and
•Any document relating to changing training modules/induction (or similar) to incorporate information about the Royal Commission or the government response. 
 The following are excluded from the request: 
•Any document that solely deals with adverse findings relating to individual members of staff of that agency.

Presentation regarding Learnings from Royal Commission on the Robodebt Scheme and email circulating same.

Available on request by emailing:

04/2022 31 January 2023

Export Finance Australia’s estimates briefing pack, including back pocket briefs, for the October and November 2022 Budget estimates.

Modified version of Export Finance Australia’s November 2022 briefing pack.

Available on request to 

02/2021 3 December 2021

1. Final versions of any “non project specific” guidance material prepared by us for the purpose of employees assessing the impact of climate change on project risk levels created after 1 January 2019.

2. Final versions of guidance material provided to employees to conduct an alternatives analysis for projects with combined scope 1 and scope 2 emissions over 100,000 tonnes of CO2.

3. Final versions of documents prepared by us for the purposes of informing the Minister for Trade’s public statement on 6 July 2021.

4. Documents setting out the criteria used to develop the list of “fossil fuel projects” provided in answer to Senator Janet Rice’s Question on Notice 114 posed during the Senate Budget Estimates hearing on 4 June 2021.

5. Copies of all advice provided to our Board after 1 January 2019 on the impact of climate change on its operations and its approach to refinancing transactions.

Unmodified versions of:

IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Responsibility 1  January 2012 and associated guidance.
The Equator Principles July 2020 and associated guidance.
OECD – Guidance Note Good Practice in the Use of Consultants by Export Credit Agencies.
Our Policy and Procedure for Environmental and Social Review of Transactions.
Modified versions of advice provided to our Board after 1 January 2019.

IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Responsibility and associated guidance can be found on the IFC website.

The Equator Principles and associated guidance can be found on the Equator Principles Association website.

OECD – Guidance Note Good Practice in the Use of Consultants by Export Credit Agencies can be accessed here.

Our Environmental and Social Review of Transactions Policy and Procedure is available on the Environmental and social review of transactions page of our website.

Modified versions of advice provided to our Board are available upon request by email:

* Please note website links are current at the date of this entry.

01/2021 29 October 2021 Information regarding Export Finance Australia's April 2020 Medium Term Notes Debt Issuance Programme and specified trades thereunder along with documentation relating to any EFA bond issuance since January 2019. Unmodified versions of an Information Memorandum and Term Sheets released pursuant to the request. The Information Memorandum is available on the Investor relations page of our website. The Term Sheets are available upon request by email:
03/2014 22 December 2014

1. Assessment of Legal and Compliance Function (2013)

2. Audit Report on the application of Export Finance Australia’s policy and procedure for environmental and social review of transactions (2014) and

3. Closing Report to the Audit Committee (2014)

Modified versions of documents 1 and 3 and non-modified version of document 2.

Available on request to

Document 2 is available here.

02/2014 12 March 2014 All data relating to Jacinta Arcadia Director of VonPrussia and Australian Metal Touring. Modified versions of documents which Export Finance Australia holds relating to Jacinta Arcadia Director of VonPrussia and Australian Metal Touring. Available on request to
01/2014 6 February 2014 All correspondence including e-mail, from Andrew Mohl, Chairman of the Export Finance Australia to the Minister for Trade and Investment – since 8 September 2013 to 20 January 2014. Modified versions of correspondence documents for the period 8 September 2013 to 20 January 2014. Available on request to
01/2011 14 October 2011 All physical and electronic information and data Export Finance Australia holds relating to the Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC), for the period 1 January 2002 to 17 June 2011. Modified versions of documents which Export Finance Australia holds relating to AIBC for the period 1 January 2002 to 17 June 2011. Available on request to