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We're growing Australia's critical minerals sector.

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The Australian Government’s Critical Minerals Facility

The Australian Government has a Critical Minerals Strategy that will grow our critical minerals sector, expand downstream processing and help meet future global demand. We manage the Australian Government’s $4 billion Critical Minerals Facility. Projects that are aligned with the Australian Government’s Critical Minerals Strategy and are otherwise in Australia’s national interest, may be able to access finance through this facility.

How we work with other financiers

We work alongside other Commonwealth agencies where mandates overlap. For critical minerals, this can include working with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility. We can also share risk with partners and encourage investment from other commercial and public financiers to ensure that viable projects receive the finance required to proceed.

Our single point of entry (SPE) with the Export-Import Bank of the United States

Working with the Export-Import Bank of the United States (U.S. EXIM) we have established a streamlined pathway for businesses to approach our agencies and enable faster referrals and joint financings of eligible critical mineral transactions, known as the SPE.   

Australian and U.S. businesses may now approach either Export Finance Australia or U.S. EXIM and will receive streamlined access to both agencies’ financing support. This includes joint, coordinated feedback on their project from both agencies, advice on the next steps to work with each agency and access to joint Export Finance Australia-U.S. EXIM solutions. 

Want to know more about critical minerals?

The Critical Minerals Facilitation Office is the Australian Government's central coordination point to help grow Australia’s critical minerals sector. Read more about the Office and the policies, programs and work that support Australia’s critical minerals sector here.

Our considerations

When assessing a critical minerals project, we consider the following:

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Australian benefit

Extraction and/or processing of minerals in Australia for export.
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Identified in Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy.
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Completed comprehensive feasibility study.
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Buyer commitment to purchase project’s production.
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Proven technology

Use of proven processing technology.
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Proponents with financial, technical and commercial capacity.
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How can we support Australian critical minerals projects?

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