Our principal accountabilities
Accountability to our Minister, the Minister for Trade and Tourism
Our responsible Ministers are the Minister for Trade and Tourism and the Minister for Finance. Our Ministers have a number of powers relating to Export Finance Australia, as set out in the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991 (EFIC Act).
Our Ministers may give us written directions relating to how we perform our functions or exercise our powers if they believe these directions are in the public’s best interest. Our Ministers may also approve or direct entry into transactions on the National Interest Account. However, we do not require approval or direction for transactions on the Commercial Account. Details of these ministerial directions are published in our Annual Reports.
We provide our Ministers with a Statement of Intent in response to our Ministers' Statement of Expectations. These statements express and formalise the Ministers' expectations of Export Finance Australia and our Board’s intention to meet these expectations.
As a corporate Commonwealth entity under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), we’re also required to notify our Minister of certain significant events, such as the acquisition or disposal of interests in companies or other ventures. Further, our Board must keep our Minister informed about our operations and provide any information required by our Minister or the Minister for Finance.
Our Ministers, or their representative, respond to questions about Export Finance Australia from members of the Federal Parliament and to parliamentary orders relating to Export Finance Australia.

Senator the Hon Don Farrell
Minister for Trade and Tourism

Senator the Hon Don Farrell
Minister for Trade and Tourism
Don Farrell was born in Murray Bridge, South Australia, and is a fourth generation South Australian.
While studying law at the University of Adelaide, he worked as a shop assistant and later joined the South Australian Shop Distributive and Allied Employees' Association, beginning a 32-year career working for the rights of retail and fast-food workers. Don led the union at the state and national level, overseeing the introduction of the 38-hour week and universal superannuation for retail workers.
He was elected to the Senate in 2008, and served as Minister for Science and Research, Minister for Sport, Minister Assisting on Tourism, and Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water during his six-year term in the Rudd and Gillard governments.
Following his first term in the Senate, Don spent time tending his small vineyard in South Australia's Clare Valley wine region and knows firsthand the daily challenges faced by local growers and primary producers.
He again nominated for the Senate and was re-elected in 2016, serving as the Shadow Special Minister of State, Shadow Minister for Sport and Tourism, Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate.
Following the election of the Albanese Government in 2022, Senator Farrell was appointed Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate.
As a proud South Australian, Senator Farrell is honoured to represent the people of his home state in Federal Parliament.
Senator Farrell lives in Adelaide with his wife Nimfa and enjoys working in his Clare Valley vineyard, spending time with his three daughters, and doting on his grandchildren.
Appointment of members of our Board
Our Ministers appoint members of our Board who are all non-executive directors. Our Board then consults our Ministers prior to their appointment of the Managing Director (who is also a full-time Export Finance Australia employee).
The Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, or their alternative, represents our Ministers on the Board.
Full details on how our Board operates can be found here.
Accountability to the Australian Parliament
Powers and functions
Our functions and general powers are set out in sections 7 and 11 of the EFIC Act respectively.
Annual Report
Each year, Export Finance Australia prepares an Annual Report that is tabled in Parliament.
Parliamentary review
Our Minister, or the Minister’s representative, responds to questions about Export Finance Australia from members of Federal Parliament and to parliamentary orders relating to Export Finance Australia.
Through the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), the Auditor General is Export Finance Australia’s external auditor and is responsible for auditing our accounts. The ANAO has contracted KPMG to carry out the external audit work on its behalf.
ANAO also conducts audits that may cover Export Finance Australia. They table those reports in Federal Parliament.
At Export Finance Australia, we’ve contracted Deloitte to carry out our internal audit function.
Contingent liability and loan ceilings
Regulations of the Parliament, made under the EFIC Act, set limits on the total value of risk Export Finance Australia may assume on the Commercial Account in various product categories.