Support services
National Interest Account
Under the National Interest Account (NIA), the Minister for Trade and Tourism can direct us to support transactions that are in the national interest.
We can also refer transactions to the Minister for Trade and Tourism for consideration. This might be due to the transaction’s size, tenor or significant exposure to the country of export.
The Commonwealth receives all income on NIA transactions and bears all risks and losses. Decisions under the NIA are the responsibility of the Government.
Through Service Level Agreements (SLA) we enable broader Government objectives by supporting other Commonwealth entities. We provide expertise and support as directed by our Ministers, the Minister for Trade and Tourism and the Minister for Finance.
This may include credit assessments, portfolio management, finance, IT infrastructure, IT helpdesk support and capital market expertise when issuing bonds.
We have three SLAs in place with the entities below.
Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP)
AIFFP supports infrastructure encouraging prosperity in the Pacific and Timor-Leste.
Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF)
NAIF is a lending facility established to provide loans to infrastructure projects that benefit Northern Australia.
Housing Australia
Housing Australia improves outcomes by making loans, investments and grants to encourage investment in social and affordable housing. It also administers the Government’s Home Guarantee Scheme.